responsive form test page

  • The details provided in this form will be used to evaluate your suitability to provide goods and/or services to the Beshay Steel Group.
  • All fields marked with an asterisk “*” must be answered. However, the more details you provide, the easier it is for us to evaluate your application.
  • Unless otherwise instructed, answers must relate specifically to the business named in Section 1.
  • Your response is being provided to Beshay Steel Group, will be treated in strict confidentiality and will be disclosed to other members of the Beshay Steel Group for the purposes of supplier evaluation. Wherever it is processed, your information will be protected by a strict code of secrecy and security which all members of the Beshay Steel Group and their staff are subject to and will only be used accordance with our policy.
  • In this form, ‘we’ ‘us’ and ‘our’ refer to Beshay Steel Group, its subsidiaries, associated and affiliated companies.

Section 1: Company Details and General Information

Name of Company:*
Office Address:*
Telephone :*
E-Mail : *
Web Site:
Parent Company:
Primary Contact: *
Telephone: *
Fax :*
Title: *
E-Mail: *

Subsidiaries and Overseas Representative (s): (State if partially, fully owned or agent)

Select No. of Subsidiaries:
Subsidiary 1*
Subsidiary 2*
Subsidiary 3*
Type of Business (please specify):*
Nature of Business (please specify):*
Year Established:
Number of Full-Time Employees :
Commercial Register: *
Upload Commercial Register
Tax Card Number: *
Upload Tax Card
VAT ID Number: *
Upload Vat certificate
Exemption certificate: *
Upload Exemption certificate
Local Chamber of Commerce Registration Number:*
Upload Local Chamber of Commerce Registration:
D-U-N-S® Number: *
Upload D-U-N-S®:
Which products/services are normally sub-contracted?
Details of major sub-contractors:
  • The details provided in this form will be used to evaluate your suitability to provide goods and/or services to the Beshay Steel Group.
  • All fields marked with an asterisk “*” must be answered. However, the more details you provide, the easier it is for us to evaluate your application.
  • Unless otherwise instructed, answers must relate specifically to the business named in Section 1.
  • Your response is being provided to Beshay Steel Group, will be treated in strict confidentiality and will be disclosed to other members of the Beshay Steel Group for the purposes of supplier evaluation. Wherever it is processed, your information will be protected by a strict code of secrecy and security which all members of the Beshay Steel Group and their staff are subject to and will only be used accordance with our policy.
  • In this form, ‘we’ ‘us’ and ‘our’ refer to Beshay Steel Group, its subsidiaries, associated and affiliated companies.

Section 2: Financial Information:

Annual Value of Total Sales for the last 3 Years:

Year & Value (in USD):


Bank Details:

Select Bank Accounts:*
Bank Account (1):
Bank name (1): *
Address (1): *
Swift/BIC Address (1): *
Bank Account Number (1): *
Account Name (1): *
Bank Account (2):
Bank name (2):*
Address (2):*
Swift/BIC Address (2):*
Bank Account Number (2):*
Account Name (2):*
Bank Account (3):
Bank name (3):*
Address (3):*
Swift/BIC Address (3):*
Bank Account Number (3):*
Account Name (3):*
  • The details provided in this form will be used to evaluate your suitability to provide goods and/or services to the Beshay Steel Group.
  • All fields marked with an asterisk “*” must be answered. However, the more details you provide, the easier it is for us to evaluate your application.
  • Unless otherwise instructed, answers must relate specifically to the business named in Section 1.
  • Your response is being provided to Beshay Steel Group, will be treated in strict confidentiality and will be disclosed to other members of the Beshay Steel Group for the purposes of supplier evaluation. Wherever it is processed, your information will be protected by a strict code of secrecy and security which all members of the Beshay Steel Group and their staff are subject to and will only be used accordance with our policy.
  • In this form, ‘we’ ‘us’ and ‘our’ refer to Beshay Steel Group, its subsidiaries, associated and affiliated companies.

Section 3: Information on Goods and Services Offered and Technical Capability

List below up to six (6) of your core Goods/Services offered (Authorized agents and traders must submit proof or certificate(s) from manufacturers that they are authorized to deal with the products. Listed item(s), which are not accompanied by proof or certificate(s) from the manufacturers, will not be recorded in our supplier database):

Select Number of Goods/Services:*
  • The details provided in this form will be used to evaluate your suitability to provide goods and/or services to the Beshay Steel Group.
  • All fields marked with an asterisk “*” must be answered. However, the more details you provide, the easier it is for us to evaluate your application.
  • Unless otherwise instructed, answers must relate specifically to the business named in Section 1.
  • Your response is being provided to Beshay Steel Group, will be treated in strict confidentiality and will be disclosed to other members of the Beshay Steel Group for the purposes of supplier evaluation. Wherever it is processed, your information will be protected by a strict code of secrecy and security which all members of the Beshay Steel Group and their staff are subject to and will only be used accordance with our policy.
  • In this form, ‘we’ ‘us’ and ‘our’ refer to Beshay Steel Group, its subsidiaries, associated and affiliated companies.

Section 4: References

For your core goods/services specified in Section 3 above, please enter the details of the largest sales in the last financial year including name of company, name of contact person, address, e-mail and fax numbers of the customer and value of sales.

Details of sales “In MENA Region”

Select References:*

Reference 1

City :*
Contact Person:*

Reference 2

Description 2:*
Company 2:*
Address 2:*
Country 2:*
City 2:*
Contact Person 2:*
E-mail 2:*
Tel 2:*
Fax 2:*

Reference 3

Description 3:*
Company 3:*
Address 3:*
Country 3:*
City 3:*
Contact Person 3:*
E-mail 3:*
Tel 3:*
Fax 3:*
  • The details provided in this form will be used to evaluate your suitability to provide goods and/or services to the Beshay Steel Group.
  • All fields marked with an asterisk “*” must be answered. However, the more details you provide, the easier it is for us to evaluate your application.
  • Unless otherwise instructed, answers must relate specifically to the business named in Section 1.
  • Your response is being provided to Beshay Steel Group, will be treated in strict confidentiality and will be disclosed to other members of the Beshay Steel Group for the purposes of supplier evaluation. Wherever it is processed, your information will be protected by a strict code of secrecy and security which all members of the Beshay Steel Group and their staff are subject to and will only be used accordance with our policy.
  • In this form, ‘we’ ‘us’ and ‘our’ refer to Beshay Steel Group, its subsidiaries, associated and affiliated companies.

Section 5: Environmental and Ethical Policy

Do you have a written health and safety policy?*
Do you assess the health and the safety performance of your subcontractor?*
Do you hold quality assurance accreditation to ISO standard? (if yes please attach a copy)*
Upload a quality assurance File:*
Do you have a written environmental policy?*
Do you have a certified environmental management system? (if yes please attach a copy)*
Upload a certified system File:*
Is the system internally audited?*
Is the system externally audited?*
  • The details provided in this form will be used to evaluate your suitability to provide goods and/or services to the Beshay Steel Group.
  • All fields marked with an asterisk “*” must be answered. However, the more details you provide, the easier it is for us to evaluate your application.
  • Unless otherwise instructed, answers must relate specifically to the business named in Section 1.
  • Your response is being provided to Beshay Steel Group, will be treated in strict confidentiality and will be disclosed to other members of the Beshay Steel Group for the purposes of supplier evaluation. Wherever it is processed, your information will be protected by a strict code of secrecy and security which all members of the Beshay Steel Group and their staff are subject to and will only be used accordance with our policy.
  • In this form, ‘we’ ‘us’ and ‘our’ refer to Beshay Steel Group, its subsidiaries, associated and affiliated companies.

Section 6: Disclaimer

I, the undersigned, warrant that the information provided in this form is correct at the time of presentation , and in the event of changes details will be provided as soon as possible:

Functional Title: *

Attachments (Optional)

Max file size: 2MB. Formats allowed: JPG, PNG, PDF only.

Select number of attachments:
Upload a File 1:*
Upload a File 2:*
Upload a File 3:*
Upload a File 4:*
Upload a File 5:*
Upload a File 6:*
Upload a File 7:*

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